Friday, April 1, 2016


2016 is the 400th Anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare. The exact date of death is not known but it seems fitting that he died on April 23rd April, the same date given for his birth. He died at the age of 52 (Shakespeare's birth date has been estimated as 26th April 1564). April 23rd is St. George's Day: the patron Saint of England.
Shakespeare400 is a season of cultural and artistic events across 2016, celebrating four hundred years of Shakespeare, his creative achievement and his profound influence on creative culture across the centuries. It is the collective endeavour working closely together to express the impact of Shakespearean creativity on the widest range of artistic forms.

The Shakespeare400 season includes theatre, music, opera, dance, exhibitions with an emphasis on creative curation, and a range of educational events to help new audiences engage with Shakespeare’s work. The season is designed to demonstrate the ongoing vibrancy of Shakespeare’s creative influence in national and global culture.

Unsurprisingly, reflecting the immense influence and inspiration that Shakespeare’s work has brought to all the various art-forms over the centuries, 2016’s commemorative activities will include many operas, ballets, orchestral and choral works, chamber music recitals and exhibitions, that draw upon his plays and poetry.  


A Chronology of Shakespeare's Life


William Shakespeare born in Stratford-upon-Avon, third child of John and Mary Shakespeare, on 23 April.

Shakespeare eligible to attend King Edward VI Grammar School in Stratford.

John Shakespeare applies for a coat of arms but is denied.

Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway sometime in November.

Daughter Susanna born, baptised 26 May.

Twins Hamnet and Judith are born, baptised 2 February
The beginning of the ‘lost years’.

Burial of ‘William Shakespeare gent’ recorded in parish register, Stratford-upon-Avon
Daughter Judith marries Thomas Quiney
Baptism of Judith’s son, Shakespeare Quiney.

Anne Shakespeare dies.

1 comment:

  1. We are going to tie the knot quite soon and searching for best event venues in Atlanta within our budget range. Planning to exchange vows in first week of October. Hopefully, will be able to find one venue soon which is perfect for us.
